Tranquillity Therapies

Thought Field Therapy(TFT/Tapping). Banner1


Thought Field Therapy(TFT/Tapping). Chain

Thought Field Therapy (TFT/Tapping)

What is TFT (Tapping)?

Thought Field Therapy was developed by Roger Callahan, an American psychologist, over 25 years ago. He discovered that when an individual experiences a traumatic event, we have an emotional memory which "sticks" to it. This can be compared to a fault on an electricity wire, causing disruption to our energy flow.
TFT is based on using Acupuncture points (meridian points). Simple tapping with the fingertips on specific points on the body (face, chest, hands) is performed by the client whilst thinking about their specific problem. Its non-invasive, safe and natural,and has been known to have fast results. Through 'tapping' the meridians, we can re-programme the memory, taking away the distress, and breaking free of the chains holding you back. You DO NOT have to discuss the scenario, only think about the related feelings. TFT works by eliminating negative emotions.
Thought Field Therapy has been found to have a success rate of 98% and some individuals have issues resolved within minutes.

What can it help with?

Clients have found relief from a varying range of traumas. The list includes, but is not exclusive to:

~Anxiety & depression
~Panic attacks
~Phobias and fears, such as flying, spiders, lightning, snakes etc and exam fears
~Addiction (alcohol, food, smoking, nail biting etc)
~Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
~Improved confidence
~Anger, Jealousy & Grief
~Public Speaking / Sports Performance

~Chronic Pain

Thought Field Therapy(TFT/Tapping). change

Can TFT help me?

If you are having difficulty ‘getting over’ some traumatic past events or experiences, or have personal problems which you are not able to vocalise or discuss, and they are having an impact on your life, then the simple answer is "yes".
You may have tried several other therapies to help solve your issues, but they have not succeeded, and you feel that you're unable to find happiness or resolve negative emotions. You may feel your well being and health are compromised because of what appears to others as irrational fears, leaving you with a sense of being out of control.
These are just some of the instances and reasoning why clients reach out to Thought Field Therapy.
Wouldn't it be great to have these issues resolved? To be free, and live your life as you would wish?
Its time to break those chains, and be free!


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